
About MOME

Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design Budapest (MOME) is a dynamic design university, and one of the most prominent institutions in the CEE region. While building on its 143-year legacy, MOME is constantly innovating to stay progressive and futureproof. In the last decade the university has completely renewed it physical environment. Thanks to the brand-new campus, which opened in 2019, we can provide our community and visitors with some of the most modern institutional infrastructure in the region, and we have the ambition to be the first carbon neutral university in Hungary.

In the last few years, MOME has changed its operation model, introduced new international education programs, and set up new interdisciplinary research groups and strategic initiatives aimed at strengthening its research and education excellence and its international recognition. MOME, which is built on three pillars, namely, the Academy, the Technology Park and the Innovation Centre, carries out interdisciplinary, future-oriented, creative activities, focused on the great challenges of our age: technological transformation, ecological sustainability, and creativity as the incitation of innovation. We value excellence and innovation, our mission is to provide answers to the pressing challenges of the 21st century with design-based learning, research, and applied mastery, while serving our communities, spreading design consciousness and contributing to the sophistication of the local and regional economic and cultural ecosystems.


about cumulus

Cumulus Association is the leading global association of art and design education and research. Cumulus represents a dynamic ecosystem for internationalisation and global mobility, knowledge exchange, and collaboration in art and design pedagogy, research, and practice. The 370 Cumulus member institutions are leading the way in art and design education around the world. Originating from 69 countries, they demonstrate the importance of collaboration in a 21st century higher education landscape that is increasingly complex and global.


Attila Bujdosó
Conference Chair
Dóra Juhász
Dóra Juhász
Tamás Fogarasy
Tamás Fogarasy
Track Chair
Bálint Veres
Bálint Veres
Track Chair
Andrea Kovács
Curator, Event Management
Ágnes Karolina Bakk
Ágnes Karolina Bakk
Track Chair
Mary Karyda
Mary Karyda
Track Chair
Jakabfi Kovacs Boglarka
Jakabfi-Kovács Boglárka
Track Chair
Comas Demok Nóra
Nóra Comas-Demők
Sponsors and Partnerships
Miklós Erhardt
Miklós Erhardt
Track Chair
Ákos Schneider
Track Chair
Györgyi Falvai
Györgyi Falvai
Network and International Coordination
Bori Fehér
Bori Fehér
Track Chair
Márton Szentpéteri
Márton Szentpéteri
Track Chair



Read the conference theme , general guidelines, expected submission formats and key dates.


Contact the organizing team at